२४ सस्कृत-प्राकृत व्याकरण और कोश की परम्परा
Lastikā, a synonym for - yasdi 'stick' in kāñcaní rāsayastih (86), is a Sanskritization of the common Pkt word lafthu or latthi (in Ardhamāgadhī, Māhārāstrī, etc. and also in the modern Indo-Aryan vernaculars generally in the form lätlı, but Pañjābs has latth axle of a water-wheel) 51 Since Pkt. -thcorresponds to Skt -St-, lațğlu (or latthi) could theoretically represent Skt *lasti (or lasți), to this, as in the case of pātikā above, was added the secondary derivative suffix -kā, which here seems to have diminutive value as seen in Skt putraka, rājaka, aśvaka, pädaka, etc The use of -ka or -kā in the formation of such diminutives is determined by the gender of the primitive, and hence, since lajthi (or lajthi) is feminine, the Sanskritized form is provided with .kā Ultimately, of course, Pkt lathi and lathi are probably derived from yastı with change of y- to l
Vādati, locative singular masculine, present participle, in explanation of valatı (57) 'while (the wind) blows' seems to be based on a Pkt *vāddai, though the form of the participle is patterned after Skt , this is, of course, an artificial creation from vāta 'wind' with verbal termination and softening of medial -- to-d- Or is vādatı an error in transcription for vâtı ?
Vädyantı (39) is a passive with parasmaipada ending formed from the causative of Vvad 'speak’, thus, "are caused to speak, 1 e. sound' (said of the tinkling of the kațimekhalā) According to the general rule Pkt uses active endings for passives 52
Vinasisyatı (49) is a curious, partial Sanskritization, apparently modelled on cl Skt vinaśisyatı 'will be ruined, go to ruin' ( vi-vnas), but the cerebral -n- and dental -s- seem explainable only on the assumption of influence from a Pkt *vinasissadı The use of this word is peculiar too it occurs in a sentence which explains why the sıddha-s fear the drops of water released by the cloud (jalakanabhayād) due in Su's view to the vinā being ruined when it gets wet ( jale lagne rīnā vinasisyatı); vi-vnaś in its classical cannotations seems a very strong word to describe a vīnā whose strings have been wet
Vidhyāpayıtum, synonym
of praśamayıtum (57) 'to extin