संस्कृत-प्राकृत व्याकरण और कोश की परम्परा
37 The
pappiha (or vāpīha) 'cātaka-bird' with -kah subjoined suffix -kah must be supposed to account for the long terminal vowel in Hindi Vappiha seemes to be the older and original Skt. word, and väpiha a new formation based on a fanciful etymology deriving it from vapi 'lake' and the verbal extracted from √hā 'abandon', thus, literally 'abandoning lakes' 38 The initial p- in the Hindi papīha (etc) and JS papiha is probably due to regressive assimilation rather than any isolated phonological law involving a change of v- to p
-phalikä occurs in sphațikaphalika 'a perching-stick having a base of crystal' in pāda a of 78, but only phalaka ( phalakā in the feminine at the end of a compound) is found in cl Skt That Su did not regard the penultimate -- as a particular form of phalaka in composition is clear from his vigraha of phalikā where he gives this form independently Perhaps it is an analogical form based on JS pāṭīkā (vide infra)
Pratyañca for jyä (81) bowstring' is also found in Hindi, but not in cl Skt, it is probably to be derived from pratyañc literally 'turned towards, coming from behind' and, when applied to the bowstring, may refer to the fact that the string (Jy'ā) is drawn towards the archer or to its position behind the bow, thus, cf Platts, 'that which comes behind' (the bow) 39 But it need not originally have been connected with pratyañc, but could have been derived from Middle Indic *pațijjā (<*prati-jyā 'near the bowstring') wrongly assumed to be the Pkt equivalent of pratyañca 40 MW records a curious patañcikā as a word given by the kosa-s for bowstring,41 but it looks suspiciously like an error for *pratyañcikā, if so, this would be an extension of Su's pratyañcă
Rātrimukhāh (masc or fem ?) for piadosah (77) 'evenings', literally 'faces of the night' or perhaps rather 'openings of the night' or 'foreparts is not given in the lexicons as a compound of ratri-, cf Abhidhānacintamani (cited by Su here) where the precise equivalent yāminīmukham occurs pradoso yāminīmukham iti
-vipathaga in śribhagirathapathaprasthutavipathagapayaḥpū