Aspects of Jain Sanskrit
bindūn CI Skt prescribes pronominal terminations in certain cases of numerals and words of numerical character, 18 ex prathama the nominative masculine plural of which is prathame, agre, which is here synonymous with prathame, may, therefore, be an analogical creation
A considerable number of words in Su have a gender different from that of cl Skt,, exx mandatvagunam and saityagunam for °gunah (46), tam puram tyaktvā for tat puram (29), vpksām foi vi ksāh (28), rasam for rusah (53), suc is masculine in 83 instead of feminine as indicated by the agreement of the adjectives vjapagatah gamitah śuk soko yais te vyapagataśucah A few words are used in a gender that is very rare in cl. Skt randhra (46) is masculine, but in the standard language almost always neuter, so also aśru (100) and vana (80) Contrarıly, avaśeşa is neuter in 33, but usually masculine in cl Skt , also apanga in 29, but in the 48 it is masculine and maccha, ie matsya (44) In 120 is found āśvāsanā for cl Skt āśvāsana.
III Derivation
-apamarsana which is given in explanation of -apanayanain gandasvedāpanayanarujā (28) 'from the abrasion of wiping away the perspiration from their cheeks', is not recorded in the lexicons, from its form it appears to be derived from apa-viss, but the sense required here, namely 'removal, wiping away', precluded this, and furthermore v mrs is not found in composition with apa. On the other hand, apamai asana may stand for °marśana (<Vapa-v mrs), but cl Skt has only apamarsa (a word of doubtful authenticity),19 marśa (a medical term) and marśana which, being the verbal noun from v mrs, exhibits both lines of meaning found in the verb, namely touching and examioing The explanation of Su's apamgrsana seems to lie in a conflation of myś and Vmts MSS rēgularly confuse these iwo roots, doubtless because many conjugational forms of Vmrs have the cerebral sibilant -$-, exx marksyatı, amārksit, marstum, msta, morever, the derivative substantives of the two roots parallel each other and contribute to the confusion Thus from Vmps comes the verbal noun marşana ‘enduring with which the same derivate from v mrs may have been conflated,