they are useful aids in settling the relatives ages of different authors It is by tracing these quotations we are often able to put broad but definite limits to the periods of many of our authors A scholar cannot be expected to commit the verses of all the known works to memory and thus be able to spot and trace the quotations at times his memory may come to his resque, but that is an accident. He must be helped by indices of verses If he once collects the quotations and arranges them alphabetically, such indices will give him great help in tracing their sources, they will not only save his time but also increase the speed of his work and guarantee a security to his results.
Pt Jugalkıshore Mukhtar is wellknown to students of Indian literature For the last few decades he has devoted all his time and energies to researches in Jaina literature, and the results of his studies have an abiding value His monograph on Samantabhadra is a model essay containing valuable information, the Anekanta edited by him occupies a prominent place among the Hindi journals devoted to research, and the Virasevamandıra founded by him inspires such universal and humanitarian principles that any nation would be proud of it His austere habits, intellectual acumen, earnest outlook on life, uncurbed zeal for weighing the evidence and arriving at the Truth and steady perseverence have made him a great research scholar, an ornament for the intellectual society. It is but natural that, in course of his studies, he would realize the importance and feel the need of various in truments of research like the present - work for which students of Indian literature in general and of Jaina literature in particular will feel much obliged to him.
The present volume, Puratana-Jaina-vakya-sucı, Part I. or Digambara Jaina Prakrta-padyanukramanika is as its name indicates, an alphabetical Index of verses from Digambara Jaina works in Praktit. This part includes verses from some 'three scores of works, in Prakrit and Apabhramsa, composed or compiled by authoritative authors who flourished during the last two thousand years The works of Sıvarya, Vattakera, Kundakunda and Jadivasaha etc. form the Pro-Canon of the Jainas, and they occupy an important position in Jaina literature. Most of them can be assigned to the early centuries of Christian era, and the matter contained therein might be even of still earlier age Verses from them are often quoted, and such an Index was an urgent desideratum. A compilation like this has a very little human interest and readable matter, but it has to be remembered that its utility is very great, end it has cost patient and careful labour of months together, it not years The editors and publishers have so much obliged the researchers in Jaina literature that words are perhaps inadequate to express their sense of gratitude
In conclusion, I heartıly thank my revered friend Bt Jugalkıshoreji for giving me thus opportunity to associate myself with this useful, publication which, no doubt, would be used as an instrument of research of superlative importance by all those scholars who are working in the fields of Prakrit and Jaina literature.
Kolhapur, 25th May 1945