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## Verse 211:
**Characteristics of Mohksha-Obstructing Karmas, Knowledge of Karmas, and Description of Actions**
(157) The **kshapika** karma called **suhumaraga** (subtle karma) binds the **gotra** and **vedaniya** karmas. The remaining karmas are bound by different **muhurtas**. || 290 ||
* The **kshapika** karma called **suhumaraga** (subtle karma) binds the **gotra** karma for eight **muhurtas** and the **vedaniya** karma for twelve **muhurtas**. The remaining three **kshapika** karmas are bound by the **antarmuhurta**. || 1367-1370 ||
(158) The **kshapika** karma that destroys the **mati** and **shruta** **avaranas** (mental and scriptural knowledge obscurations) binds the **desh** **avaranas** (country-related obscurations). The **kshapika** karma that does not destroy them binds the **sarva** **avaranas** (all-encompassing obscurations). The **antaraya** karma binds the **desh** **avaranas**. || 211 ||
* If all the **aksharas** (letters) of a **kshapika** karma have been destroyed, then it binds the **mati** and **shruta** **avaranas** as **desh** **avaranas**. If even one **akshara** remains, then it binds the **mati** and **shruta** **avaranas** as **sarva** **avaranas**. Similarly, if the **aksharas** of the **jnana** **avaranas** (knowledge obscurations), **darshan** **avaranas** (perception obscurations), and **antaraya** karmas have been destroyed, then they bind the **desh** **avaranas**.