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English translation with Jain terms preserved:
Ga. 22]
Determination of the Uttaraprakrti (Superior Nature) and Pradesa-vibhakti (Division of Space-points)
22. Then, in that state of existence, there are two more Pradesas (space-points) beyond the previous two. 23. For what reason? 24. Because the quantity of the Karmic matter that has been destroyed is greater than the quantity of the Karmic matter that has been destroyed earlier, by the measure of one Samaya (smallest unit of time). 25. But the specific distinction of the Utkarsaga (superior state) in that one state of existence is innumerable Samayas. 26. And the Jhagganya (inferior) Satkarmma (meritorious Karmic matter) of that (superior state) is a fraction which is innumerable. 27. For this reason, it is thus divided. 28. In two states of existence, the second division is made. 29. Thus, the divisions go on decreasing by one Samaya at each step. 30. Removing the Jhagganya Pradesa (inferior space-point) of the last state of existence, up to the Utkarsaga (superior state) of Mithyatva (false belief) - this is one division.
31. Whose is the Jhagganya (inferior) Pradesa Satkarmma (meritorious Karmic matter) of Samyag-mithyatva (mixed right and wrong belief)? 32. Similarly, the Suksmagolata (subtleness) has arisen, and the liquid substance that was capable of melting, when it melts, then at the time when one Nipeka (unit of time) of two Samaya (smallest unit of time) remains, the Jhagganya Pradesa Satkarmma of the Mithyatva (false belief) of that Jiva (living being) occurs.