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## **Adhikar-Gatha - Nirupan**
**Two** parts, **two** divisions, and **bondage** as well. These three **gatha**s are to be understood in **five** **artha-adhikar**s. || 3 ||
**Gatha 3**
**Special Meaning:** Through this **gatha**, Gunadharacharya has indicated three vows. The **Kasaya-Pahud**, which Gautam Ganavar has spoken in sixteen thousand verses, I speak in only one hundred and eighty **gatha**s, this is the first vow. The **Kasaya-Pahud**, composed by Gautam Ganadhar, has many **artha-adhikar**s, I explain them in only fifteen **artha-adhikar**s, this is the second vow. And, there are so many **gatha**s in each **artha-adhikar**, this is the third vow. Accordingly, the number of **gatha**s in different **adhikar**s is mentioned further.
In the **five** **artha-adhikar**s of **Preyodvesha-Vibhakti**, **Sthiti-Vibhakti**, **Anubhag-Vibhakti**, **Bandhak** (bondage), and **Samkram** (transition), the first **gatha** is "**Pejjan va dosan va**", the second **gatha** is "**Payadi mohanijja**", and the third **gatha** is "**Kadi payadio bandhadi**", these three **gatha**s are included, one should know. || 3 ||
**Special Meaning:** The word "**Pejja dosa**" in the **gatha** indicates the first **gatha** "**Pejjan va dosan va**". The word "**Vihatti dvidi anubhage cha**" indicates the second **gatha** "**Payadi mohanijja**". The word "**Bandhage cheva**" indicates the third **gatha** "**Kadi payadio bandhadi**". The names of the **five** **artha-adhikar**s in which these three **gatha**s are included are: 1. **Preyodvesha-Vibhakti**, 2. **Sthiti-Vibhakti**, 3. **Anubhag-Vibhakti**, 4. **Akarma-Bandhak** (bondage), and 5. **Karma-Bandhak** (transition). **Prakriti-Vibhakti** and **Pradesha-Vibhakti** are not mentioned separately because these two are included in **Sthiti-Vibhakti** and **Anubhag-Vibhakti**, because **Sthiti** and **Anubhag-Vibhakti** cannot exist without **Prakriti** and **Pradesha-Vibhakti**. Similarly, **Kshina-Kshina-Pradesha** and **Sthityantika-Pradesha** should also be understood as included in them, because **Kshina-Kshina-Pradesha** and **Sthityantika** cannot exist without **Sthiti-Vibhakti** and **Anubhag-Vibhakti**. Or, **Prakriti-Vibhakti** is included in **Preyodvesha-Vibhakti**, because there is no **Prakriti-Vibhakti** except for **Preyodvesha** of **dravya** and **bhava** nature. **Pradesha-Vibhakti**, **Kshina-Kshina**, and **Sthityantika**, these three **adhikar**s are included in **Preyodvesha**, **Sthiti**, and **Anubhag-Vibhakti**, because these three **Vibhakti**s are inseparable from **Pradesha-Vibhakti** etc. Or, the word "**cha**" in the phrase "**Anubhage chedi**" indicates **Pradesha-Vibhakti**, **Sthityantika**, and **Kshina-Kshina**, combining these three into a fourth **adhikar**. **Bandha** and **Samkram**, taking these two together, becomes the fifth **artha-adhikar**. These three **gatha**s are included in these **five** **artha-adhikar**s.
**Vibhakti** means division. The division related to the nature of actions is called **Prakriti-Vibhakti**.