a holy Purāņa (this may not be a reference necessarily to the Uttarapurāņa of Guņabhadra) according to him and is already narrated in the world by great teachers; and the same he is composing here in prose (For Mss. see JK, p. 103).
4) Kşattra-Cūdāmaņi (KC): This poem deals with the life of Jiyandhara in 11 Lambas, each of significant name, and throughout composed in Anustubh verses the total of which comes to 747. The colophons mention the name of the author as Vadībhasimhasūri (For Mss. see JK, p. 97).
5) Jivandhara-Campū or Campu-Jirandbara (CJ): It is composed in ornate prose and verse mixed, i. e., in the Campū style, in 11 Lambas, each with a siguificant title. In the colophons the work is called CampuJivandhara, and the name of the author is Haricandra Fibo styles himself as Mabākavi (For Mss. see JK, p. 141).
6) Jivandhara-caritra : It is in Sanskrit, and its author is Subhacandra who mentions it in his Pândavapurāņa completed by him in Samyat 1608. The prasasti of a Vs. at Amera indicates that the work is divided into 13 Lambas; and it was completed in Samrat 1603 (See Prasasti-sangraha, p. 14, Sri-Labāvira-Granthamālā, 2, Jaipur 1950, also JK, p. 141, where Sucandra is obviously a misprint for Subhacandra).
7) Jivaka-Cintamani (JCI): It is one of the five Vahākāvyas in Tamil, is divided into 13 Iłambagas and contains 3145 (2700 ?) stanzas. Its author is Tirattakkadevar, and there is a fine Tamil commentary on it by Naccinārkiniyār.
8) Jivandhara-carita : This is possibly in A pabhramśa. Its author is Raidhū who composed it some time before A.D. 1439. It is divided into 13 Saṁdbis; but as the contents are not properly studied as yet, it is difficult to say whether it contains the same story as that of the works mentioned above (See JK, p. 141; Anekānta XI, 9, pp 324, 328).
9) Jivandhara-carite : It is in Kannada, in 1000 verses of the Bhāmini-satpadi metre, and divided into i8 cautos. The author is Bhāskara, the son of Basava, a Jaina-Brāhmaṇa of the Visrāmitra Gotra. Bhāskara completed it at Penugonde, in Saka 1345, Krodhi, in the month of Phālguņa, which corresponds to A. D. 1424; and he mentions that he is indebted to the Jivandhara-carita of Vādibhasimha (Vadi-madagajasimba of the text I.34), possibly the KC (For diss. see JK, p. 141).