INDEX (For English reference books)
1 Kumla Roy"Concept of self' First Edition, 1966 -
Calcutta 2 Dr R Krishnan 'Indian Philosophy 3 A Castell 'The Self in Plulosophy', First Edition 1965–
America 4. S. Fiued: The Ego & The Id', Fourth Edition, 1847 5 “Psycho Analysis To-day', First Edition, 1948 - Gicat
Britain Edited by Sandor---Lorand-George Allen & Unwis Winterjnitz 'A History of Indian Literature-Calcutta
University 7 V. R. Gandhi "The Jain Philosophy', Second Edition,
1924 Bombay. 8 Arner "Elements of Socialısm'-New York 9 Hevloc Ellis, "Sex Psychology'. 10 John Richman “A general Selection from the work of
S Frued', First Publication in India, 1941--Allahabad 11 Vritz Writtels 'Critique of Love', First publishod in
Great Britam, 1930-Copy right in U.S.A 12 Mahatma Gandhi. "The Voice of Truth”, 1968–
Ahmedabad. 13. Jayaprakash Narain. 'Socialism, Sarvodaya & Demo
cracy'. 14. "Glimpse of Truth"