अत्याचार और अत्याचारी
Today, neither the administration nor the administrators know, what is law and who is law breaker ?
Unmindful of the law, the administration is coining the so-called laws and the administrators are putting them to action and are trying to catch the so-called law-breakers and punishing them as virulently as it lies in their powers. This practice of the administration and the administrators is rocketway ahead, beating its records daily and what are the results ?
There looks to be none in the country who may not be termed a law-breaker. All the citizens of the country are termed by the adıninistration and the administrators as law-breakers and those in the administration alone say, they are followers of law, the exponents and actors of law and all of them alone are pure citizens.
'There is unrest all over and can yon tell me who is responsible ? Is it the citizen or the administration ? The results of actions and act-the restlessnesses-all over, prove that unlawful laws and unlawful administrative actions under them alone are instrumental in bearing the fruits of lawlessness all over.
Ye, the fellow beings in administration ! know