By belated wrong interpretations and believing in those interpretations of English language and cultures therein, the country has gone mad for them and this madness is fructifying in all shorts of restlessnesses and miseries inside the country and from outside the country which does not know the way to peace and happiness.
Do the English knowing countrie; know the correct interpretations of their own words or the interpretations are conflicting from dictionary.to dictionary and from court in court in their own country, changing those interpretations from time to time and have not been able to put correct interpretations and are inaking big volumes of dictionaries on account of their lackness in reaching the perfection in interpretations of their own words?
Then why have you gonc, in this country, a slave of that language? If you wish to save the country from this hanging peril, you ly to expel the English language, the English culture, the way of English thought, which has not been able to maintain peace and hapiness in English countries themselves.
Tilivillage-Sauzor an imk