Blood Sucking Wars
When lawlessness in a country boils over the pot, it blames another country; begins not only to blame that another country, but also, when that blame boils over the poi, il attacks its victim country, with all the ferocity at its command.
The attacked country was already boiling over with lawlessnesses in all spheres of its life, had bred hatred amongst the administrator and the administered, nav amongst a Brahmin & a Brahmin, a Bania and a Bania, to say a few only; and such this country was already blaming the attacker and was pointing its guns against the attacker country.
Guns have no knowleuge, and the knowledge of the two countries was already acting in lawlessnesses, and they make the guns, suck the blood of human lives.
Know-the lawlessnesses, remove them, and act in lawfulness only; and thou shall stop creating hatrod amongst man and man, thy guns, howsoever ferocious, they would not act without thy lawless madresses to use them; howsoever, ferociously acting, other peoples may by; they will not be attracted to wage blood sucking wars against thee; their weapons have no ears or eyes to act against thee.
It is thus a seli proved fact, the lawlessnesses in