6 The master taught us, there are souls everywhere but polluted by karma which needs be purged souls are discrete but similar in all characteristics, capable of rising eminence or degradation So the soul of another creature are not be hated or ignored Toleration is the watchword of the teaching. Tolcrance of others viewpoints, sins and crimes naturally endangers humility and charity We do not like to be hated, molested so we should not think of others to be low or inferior
7 This is the real significance of Ahimsa in mind speech and body. If one follows that all throughout his life, he banishes ego-hood and his example will inspire all members of the society, community or a nation
8. Right vision, right knowledge and right conduct are difficult to obtain quickly All our views are tainted with subjective personal peculiarities to reach perfection is the Sumum Bonum in earthly life, when there is no bar in knowing everything and all Otherwise, egoism will lead us astray, cloud our vision, Hatred and enmity will prevail in society
9 There have been attempts to stabilise equality amongst men in different times and fratenrity has been an oft quoted term But an unperfect creature can not rectify the ills of society
10 This is the lesson we have learnt from the master, mere precepts will not go far "Iness" & "Myness" have got to be obliterated to make the earth clean, pure and perfect. We make mistakes very often, do wrong to others as well as to ourselves but unless we are humble to confess those and at one for them, the state of affairs will be worse and worse For the fleting pleasures of the earth people have created disasters History 1S-replete with instances of personal aggrandisement of megalomaniacs But all worldly possessions are short lives, sucalled fame and glory sink into oblivion
11 Living examples of the world teachers show the path, We bow down to them
12 They are the heroes in the strict sense of the term rules by blood and sweat but all his senses are under his control and arrogance can not allure him. We offer our submission to them
Not a conqueror who Lust and anger, malice