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Jain Granth Bhandars In Jaipur & Nagaur
इति श्री शिवाचार्य विरचित भगवती आराधना नाम ग्रन्थ की देशभाषा मय . वचनिका समाप्त || मीती महा बुदी १३ बुधवार संवत १९५५ का।
No. 2
Ref. No. 317 LABDHI VIDHAN KATHA Author -PT. ABHRADEV Size --11" x 41" Extent -9 Folios Description -Country paper, thin and grey; Devanagari characters in
bold, clear, elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines; the edges and corners worn out here and there; the ... : condition of the manuscript is not satisfactory; red chalk and yellow pigment used, it is a complete manuscript,
written in Sanskrit language. Date of the Original -Bhadrapad Sudi 14. V.S. 1607 Scribal Note
संवत् १६०७ वर्षे भादवा सूदी १४ सोमवासरे श्री आदिनाथ चैतालये तक्षगढ़ ..... महादूर्गे महाराजा श्री रामचन्द्र राज्य पर्वत्तमाने श्री मूलसंघे बलात्कारगणे सरस्वतीगच्छे कुन्दकुन्दाचार्यान्वये ..................... मण्डलाचार्य धर्मचन्द्राम्नाये खण्डेलवालान्वये अजमेरागोत्रे ... सा. पद्मा तद्भार्या केलमदे ..........................."सा कालू इदं कथा"......................... . मण्डलाचार्य धर्मचन्द्राचार्य दत्तं। ..
No. 3
NEMINATH PURANA Author -BRAHM NEMIDATT. Size -10" x 41 Extent ---270 Folios . Description --Country paper, thin and greyish; Devanagari characters in ...
bold, clear and beautiful hand-writing; borders and edges - ruled in two lines; the condition of the manuscript is
satisfactory; it is a complete work; written in Sanskrit...