Baba Dulichand, Bada Mandir Granth Bhandar
[ 13
2. No. 5.
YATIDINCHARYA Author -DEVASURI Size -10"] x41" Extent -21 Folios · Description --Country paper, thin and greyish; in big, bold, clear and
elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines; red chalk and yellow pigment also used; 18 to 21 folios damaged; condition of the manuscript is not satisfactory; it is a com
plete work written in Prakrit. Date of the Copy --Chaitra Sudi 9, V.S. 1668 Subject -ACHARA SHASTRA Ends -इति श्री सुविहित शिरोमणि श्री देवसूरि विराचित यति दिनचर्या सम्पूर्ण ।। Scribal remarks :
__ संवत् १६६८ वर्षे चैत्रमासे शुक्ल पक्षे नवमी भौमवासरे श्रीमत्तपागच्छाधिराज - भट्टारक श्री श्री ५ विजयसेन सूरीश्वराय लिखितं ज्योतिसी उधव श्री शुजाउलपुरे ।