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Jain Granth Bhandars In Jaipur & Naguar
No. 4
Author Size
..... . ..Ref. No. 109 KALYANAKA SAMANTA BHADRA --103" x 43" --5 Folios -Country paper, thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters in very small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink, red chalk used; condition of the work is good; it is a complete work, ...... written in Prakrit.
Date of the Copy
- Fairly old Subject -STOTRA Begins -परणविवि चरूविसवि तित्थयर : .........
सुरणर विसहर थूव चलणा ।। पुणु भणामि पंचकल्याण दिण
भवियहु णिसुबह इक्कमणा ॥ ___Ends -करि कल्लाणपुञ्ज जिणणाहहो
अरणु दिषु चित्त अविचलं कहिय समुच्च एण ते कविणा
लिज्जई इमरणुव भव फलं . इति श्री समन्तभद्र कृतं कल्याणक समाप्ता ॥ ... . . . . . . .
एपूज जि
. Ref. No. 312 PRAKRIT RUPA MALA... ...... Author : -VARADA RAJ . ..... Size .. .-9" x 43".... ... ... .... ... ..... Extent . -47 Folios, 11. lines per page, 36 letters per line.....-- Description -Country paper, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters
...in rough hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red.
ink; it is a complete work; written in Sanskrit.....