-मोहम्- अनभिष्ट विषयाप्रीत्यादेष मिति।
(ख) सर्वाससिरि/I/५१: -अप्रीतिरूपो रेषः १३. नियमसार, तात्पर्य वृत्ति/६६:-असहयजनेषु वापि चासहय पदार्थ सार्थेषु वा वरस्य परिणामो देषः १४. धवला १२/१, २, ८, ८४२८३४८ १५. प्रशमरति, १९, उमास्वाति--ईर्ष्या, रोषो, दोषः, देष परिवाद मत्सरासूयाः।
वैर प्रचंडनाडा के द्वेषस्य पर्यायाः ॥१९॥
१६. ठाणांग- २.४.९६ १७. समवायांग, ५२ः - कोई, कोये, रोसे, दोसे अखमा, संजलणे, कलहे, चंडिक्के, मंडणे विवाए। १८. समवाओ, ५२ः - माणे, मदे, दप्पे, थंघे, अत्तुक्कोसे, गव्वे, परपरिवाए, उक्कोसे, अवक्कोसे, उन्नए उन्नामे। 19. Psychology : A study of Mental life Feeling and Emotion- P.334. Robert S. Woodworth & Donald G. Marquis-Methuen & Co. London: It is remarkable how many words there are in common use for various feelings and shades of feeling. It would be no great task to find a hund red words, same of them, no doubt, synonymous to complete the sentence, I feel........... Here are a few names of feelings and emotions, roughly grouped into classes. Pleasure- happiness, joy, delight, elation, raptoore . Displeasure-discontent, grief, sadness, sorrow, dejection.
Mirth-amuserment, hilarity. Excitement-Agitation. Calm-contentment, munbress, apathy, weariness. Expectancy-eugerness, hopen, assurance, courage. Doubt-shyness, embarrasment, anxiety, worry. Dread-fear, fright, terror, horror. Surprise-amazement, wonder, relief, disappointment. Desire-disgust, longing, yearning love. Aversion-disgust, Roathing, hate. Anger-resentment indignation, sullenness, rage, fray.