यथा कृशानुमानयंपारप्रदेशः सत्येन कृशानुमत्ये arytur:, *Hur äft 11
met. 3.31
set, 3. 14, 15, 16.
Thus 11 kuowledge which, on a basis of experience talls us some thing about what is not experienced, is based upon baliof which experience can neither CORfim nor retute ......
(On Induction, B. Russell) The justification of Induction, edited by Richard Swinebune, Oxford University press, 1974, p. 24.
Ibid, p. 19, 21.
The problem we have to discuss 19 whether there is any reason for believing in what called the unitomity of mature, 18 the belief that every thing that has happen or will happes 13 an instance of some general law, to which there are so exception.,
Ibid, p. 21.
Inductive principle however is equally incapable o£ baing proved by an appeal to Axperience.
Ibid. p. 24.
Thus we must aither accept the inductive principle or on the ground of its intrinsic evidmace or forgo ml1 Justification of our expectations about the future.