PAGEI LINE 4. Trafo Bhagawan Mahavira. When the Tirthamkara was a child, two Charana Munis, Jayanta and Vijaya, who had philosophical doubts, paid a visit to the Lord When they saw the Divine Child, all their doubts were cleared and they called Him, Sanmati
PAGE 2 LINE 10' ATU Four kinds of life principles are Indriya (senses), Bala (strength), Ayu (duration of life) and Svasochhvasa ( Respiration ). These four pranas become ten when the details are taken into consideration. The senses are five viz touch, taste, sound, smell and sight. Strength is of 'three kinds viz., of mind, speech and body. The five senses, she three kinds of strength, age and respiration form the ten pranas.
PAGE 4 LINE 6 3941ACT Upayoga is defined as the manifestation of consciousness through Know'edge and Derception, Jnana and Darshana. It is the characteristic of Atma and not of Prakrite which is by nature nonsentient.
PAGE S LINE 6 #graca Formlessiless The Jiva is formless since it has no colour, taste, smell and touch. It is not the resultant or the combination of earth, water, fire and alr as these are devoid of consiousness, where as a Jiva is found to be having.consciousness. A child on the very day of its birth, manifests its desire for drinking its