Matte (pudgala has shape andesses touch, taste, sme and colour. It is of o kis, Skandhas (molecules and Paramanus mary atoms). Molecu'e has all lysical qualities without any exception. Primary atom is the indestructible material basis of the world. The primary atom is eternal, nonsounding, occupying one space-point and of corporeal form. Lharma (Principle of motion) assists the movement of moving jivas and rudgala as water helps the moving fish. Adharma (Principle of rest) assists the resting of jivas and pudgala which are at rest in the same way as shadow helps the resting of travellers. Both Dharma and Adharma are eternal without form, without activity, nor-living and coextensive with the world space, How are we to believe in the existence of Dharma and Adharma, the principles of motion and rest? We see around us coming to rest, again moving and so on. There things moving, must be some media to help the moving and resting of things. If there were no medium of motion (Dharma) all things in the universe will be at a standstill. There will be universal cosmic paralysis. If there were no medium of rest (Adharma), the atoms constituting the world will be scattered and flying about in the space and instead of Cosmos there will be only chaos. Hence the existence of these two Dravyas (substance) is postulated. Akasǝ or Space is