texts we learn that Buddha himsell was for some time a naked Jaina Saint practising the rules of conduct of a Jaina Ascetic, such as lying down on the bare ground, fasting and taking food from the palms of his hand. In course of time he found it difficult to practise these rules and so he tegan to adopt and preach the ziddle path (Maddhyama Marg) midway belween the extreme ascetic life of the Jainas' and the moral laxity of the other ascetic orders. This is clearly indicated by his own description of his early ascetic hfe as narrated to his disciple Sariputta. From this we find that Jainism was already existing in the time of Buddha. There are references to Lord Rishabha in the Vedic hymns, and Puranas of the Hindus. And so it can be safely said that Jainism is at least as old as the Vedic Religion.
The teachings of Jainisin can be studied under the following heads:
Universe. According to Jainism the Universe is cxisting from eternity though u dergoing modifications. It is composed of six Dravyas or Substances namely, Souls, Matter, Dharma (Principle of motion), Adharma
Principle of rest), Space and Time. Of these six Dravyas souls are sentient. We shall consider the charactcristics of soul subsequently.