1. Classical poets of Gujarat Govardhan Ram Tripathi.
2. Early History of India: Visent Smith.
3. Further Milestone in Gujarati Literature: K. M. Javeri. 4. Gujarat and its Literature: K. M. Munshi.
5. Gujarati Language aud Literature: N. B. Divetia, (Philological lectures Part I and II )
6. Historical facts about Jainism
Maganlal M. Shah.
7. History of India Francis Pelsent.
8. Indian Antiquery-1914, 15, 16 (Notes on old Rajasthani)
9. Indian Literature: Frazer.
10. Jain Philosophy: Karbhari Bhagubhai.
11. Linguistic Survey of India: Vol. IX Part 1 to 11 By Sir George Grierson (1916).
12. Milestone in Gujarati Literature: K. M. Javeri.
13. Mugal Rule in India: S. M. Edwards.
14. Notes on the grammar of old Western Rajasthani Dr. L. C. Tessitori.
15. Obscure religious acts: S. B. Das Gupta.
16. The present States of Gujarati Literature: K. M. Iaveri.