PP Prajñāpāramita.
Bend I in
RP (•)-Rastrapālaparipṛechā, ed. by L. Feer, Biblic heca Buddhica; our edition in BST No. 17. ŚS (•)—Sikṣusamuccaya of Santideva, ed. by Bibliotheca Budaica; our edition in BST No 11. SA (•) Sūtrāla kāra of Asanga, ed. by S. Lévi. SN-Saundarananda of Asvaghosa, edns, by H. P. Shast and
SR (Samādhirājasūtra ed. by N. Dutt, in GM our edition in BST No. 2.
SDP (¤Âo)—Suddharmapundarikasūtra, ed. by N. Dutt; a o by Kern and Nanjio; our edition in BST No. 6. SP()-Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtra, ed. by B. Nanjio an Idzumi, Kyoto, Japan, 1931; also by J. Nobel. SV (E)-Sukhāvativyāha ed. by Max Müller. T-Tibetan translation.
T-(followed by number-Tohoku Catalogue.
TG (Tathāgataguhyasūtra or Guhyasamāja, GOS edn TS (a)—Tattvasaingraha of Santarakṣita, GOS edition. TTP-Taisho Tripitaka, Tokyo, 1924-1934.
VCh (Vajracchedika, ed. by Max Müller; our edit n in BST. No. 17.
(N. B.-Most of the works mentioned above are planned o be included in the BUDDHIST SANSKRIT TEXTS S ries. The list will be found at the end of the Volume.)