the Nepalese cra (1.1), 1106) und is the oldest, while all others are late copies on paper. The editors collected variant readings from these Mss., but have not supplied them in the volume, and now seem to have abandoneil the idea of issuing them in a separatc volume. The world has thus lost a valuablc matcrial uscful for a critical scholar. It is, however, presumed that the editors have acoptel the best and most autlıentic: readings in their text. From a careful examination of this edition, however, it appears that the clitors could not fill up all lacunae with the help of the six Mss. in their possession; and although I used a single new Afx, which clid not reach the hands of these cditors, I too could not succeed in filling the lacunac left by then). All thc samc, the discovery and use of the Baroda Mx. was of grcat help to me lo fill up thc lacunac in numerous places, to improve my text, to record a few important variants, and to note additions and omissions. I have already inclicated above that thic text in Kyoto cdition could be made inore readable and casy of understanding by improvement in punctualion, correct separation of words, phrases and paragraphs. It is on account of these features that the present cdition inarks a vast advance over the older cdition.
3. The Baroda Ms. I was thus fortuale to discover a fresh Ms. in Newari script in the Mss. Collection of the Oriental Institute, Baroda (B in marginal rclerences and fool-notcs) No. 1:3208. It is clear that this Ms. is a copy of a codex different from those Mss. used by Professors Suzuki and Idzumi. This Baroda Ms. was procured for the Oriental Institute by Dr. B. Bhattacharya, former Director of thc Institute from Nepal and belonged to Vajrücärya Monastery in Kathamandu. It was made on Nepalese hand. made paper besmcared with yellow pigment on onc side with a double-lined margin in red ink. The size of the Ms. is 62.5 cm. by 27.9 cm. with I lincs to a page, about 98 letters to a linc and has 218 folia. On the opening page, there is a multi-cloured illustration of Buddha and his asscmbly of Bodhisattvas in the centre. This Ms. also has lacunae at places marked by......, showing thereby that it also was copied from another older manuscript.
The Director of the Institute also got prepared a Devanāgari transcript bearing Nos. 1,3517 and 18648 of the above Ms. by Pandit Hariram Shastri of the Institute, and scems to have