I have read Dharma-Karma-Rahasya rith great pleasure. It is indeed, a Ters fine book on Hindu religion, remarkable for its sealth of excellent ideas, originality of treatment and simplicity of language. The author has successfulls tried to gire a scientific exposition of the fundamental principles of Hindu Dharma and bring out the basic beauties of the social life of India. The book rill undoubtedly prore very helpful not only to the Hindu students of all institutions but also to all those interested in the study of Hindu religion.
There was, as a maiter of fact, & long-felt need for such a book, specially in this province, Therein religious iostruction has become compulsory. The book is yritten by a Beharee, who is held in esteem both for his esperience and derotion to religion; it should therefore be the more relcome to the Patna University as Trell as the schools and colleges of Bihar,
I. D. Daurgadatti,
Principal, D. S. Sanskrit College,