JOINT WAR COMMITTEE. Of the order of S:: John's and the Red Cross Seal of SOCIETY. ...
MARK Or The st. John Ambulance OUR DAY"
RED CROSS | Association. I( 12th December 1917 11
PRESIDENT His Excelley. Tlc Viceroy&Governor General of India ::: Chairman of the General Committec.. His Excellency ilic Commander-1a-Chict
Presideat of thc Fxecutive Committee, Her Excelleicy tuc Lady Chelmsfori, C I. Assistant Secretary Captain L C. Sterens. K. P, A.
.. SIMBATEL No 263 Hon.'Treasurer Holiorary Secretary. E. J. Buck. IV J. Litster Office of OUR DAI» Nosth Bank Alliance Bank Simla & Viccroy's Camp Delbi 1. ": 'of Simla. - :: (During Cold Weather ) Dear Sir, ******.877. December29th, 1917.
I am desired to thank you very 'much for your Letter of December 12th. 1917. Der Excellency: Lady Chelmsford is much grieved that your district has been visited by plague & hopes for a Speedy Telurn of healthy Conditions among Yon; and at the Same time desires me, to express to you, ler Sincere thanks to the DIGANIBER JAINS for their useful and generous Subscriptions,
......1 am, Yours truly
(Sa) . C. Stevens, Captain ::: Assistant Secretary To the Presigent.Digamber Jain Religion Progressive Association. Po. Sambhar-lake Rajputana...