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On hearing this, Citrasena fainted once again. The kevalin proceeded to tell the previous story of the prince. "In the Campaka forest, on the bank of a lake, there lived a pair of swans. Once upon a time, a merchant put up there with his caravan. After a bath, he worshipped the Jina and prepared his meal. Before taking it he was looking for an atithi to share it with him, when a sage who had fasted for a month passed that way. The merchant was exceedingly glad to see that sage and supplied him food that was acceptable to him. The pair of the swans praised this action of the merchant and won great merit. (92--107)
"After some time the female swan brought forth young ones. One day,unfortunately a fire broke out in the forest. The male bird went out to fetch water to extinguish the fire. When he did not return for a long time, the female suspected his faithfulness towards her and affection for the young ones. She concluded that males are faithless and resolved