[ 21
श्री ५ श्री प्रेमविजय गणि तत् शिष्य पं० श्री ५ भागविजय गणि तत् शिष्य पं० मेघविजय गणि वाचनार्थः ॥
B: of the Sumativijaya Bhandar at Zira in the Ferozepur District'. Leaves 25; 12 lines to a page; about 35 letters in a line. Paper, ordinary, white. Script, Jain, quite clear and bold. Colophon at the end: ली० माहाराज जी श्री कमल विजय जी ॥ श्री ॥ श्लोक ५६० ॥ संवत् १६४६ ।।
The MSS from Ambala City. Nakodar Patti and Zira Bhandars were also consulted. They were, however, copies of Rajavallabha's version.
Popularity of the story:
The story of C. and P. seems to have been fairly popular as can be seen from its following versions, extant or referred:
1. By Pathaka Rajavallabha. The story was originally contained in his Şaḍavasya
7. Ibid No. 835.
8. Ibid Nos. 833, 834, 836, 837 and 839.