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among the innumerable suppliants there was none who could infuse Ratnasāra with life. One day it occurred to Citrasena that per: haps the very yakşa, who had foretold the calamities, might prescribe a remedy. Entrust. ing the old minister with the burden of the kingdom, he started on the journey and reached the banyan tree where tho yaksa and yakṣiṇī lived. At night, at the latter's request the yakşa narrated the whole story,how Citrasena was saved from the fourfold calamity by his friend, Ratnasala; how the latter was petrified on disclosing the secret when compelled to do so, and how he would regain his Original form if a virtuous lady, with her son in her lap, touched all his limbs, Hearing this) talk the prince returned to his capital.(360-401
Fortunately Padmavati was pregnant those days and in due course of time alle gave birth to a charming son. Great colebrations were held-worship was perforined in all the Jina temples for eight days, the poor people were fed; large sumas were given in charity. On