At daybreak they entered the city and heard the royal proclamation by beat of drum that whosoever cured the princess Padmāvati of her hatred towards men, would get her together with half the kingdom (151--153 )
Citrasena got a beautiful picture made depicting how the pair of swans had met their death in their previous life. Everyhody who saw the picture, admired it greatly. Padmavati, too, saw him carrying the picture, recalled her previous life and fainted away. When she came to her senses, she realised the true cause of her hatred for men. Meanwhile the prince disappeared and Padmävati felt the pangs of separation as she no longer hated men. ( 154-174)
Then on an auspicious day, Padmāvati's father arranged a svayamvara which was attended by a large number of princes from various countries. When they had taken their seats in the proper order, Padmaratha