This volume, which is the first part of my edition of the Anubhāshya contains only the text, along with the various readings found in the books and manuscripts mentioned below. I have also given, in the beginning, a very brief summary of the contents of every Sutra, so that the reader can have at a glance a general view of the whole.
The names of the Adhikaraņas are taken from the Vadāntādhikarana-mālā in all cases except those for which that work mentions no names. To these latter I have given suitable new names, pointing out all such cases in foot notes. At the close of the text, again, I have given all the Kārikās of the two Achāryas, with references to the pages where they occur, for the convenience of the reader. As some Kārikās consist of one and some of three, instead of two, lines as usual, the references are given for each line of a Kārikā A list of the Adhikaranas and another, of the Sutras is also appended, the latter being arranged in alphabetical order.
These are followed by an Index in alphabetical order of all those quotations cited by the author of which the origin could be traced, along with references to the original works where they occur. Another index gives the quotations of which the source could not be ascertained. A few of these quotations, although stated by Prakās'a and other commentaries to belong to certain works, could not be found there in the available editions of these works. In their case I have only mentioned against them the names of the worke and other details as given by the commentators.
Finally, I have given an index of the works and authors referred to in the course of the Bhāshya.