(1) Anubhāṣya of Vallabhācārya with an Original Commentary by Pandit Shridhar Shastri Pathak, Part II. (2) Gaüḍavaho of Vakpati, by S. P. Pandit, No. 34 (Second edition).
(3) Hymns from Rgveda, Second Selection, By P. Peterson, No. 58 (Second edition).
(4) Kāvyādarśa of Dandin with Com. Notes, etc. Part 3, by Dr. S. K. Belvalkar, and Raddi Shastri (No. 75). (5) Kavyalamṁkārasarasaṁgraha by N. D. Banhatti. (6) Syadvadamañjarī of Mallisena with the Com. of Hemacandra and Notes by Prof. A. B. Dhruva, M. A., LL. B. (7) Tarkabhāṣā of Kesavamisra, with Notes, by Prof. D. R. Bhandarkar and Pandit Kedarnath.
(ii) Works under Revision.
(1) Apastamba-Dharmasutra Parts I and II, by Bühler, Nos. 44 and 50 ( Second edition).
(2) Desi-nāmamālā of Hemacandra, Second edition, with an Index by Prof. P. V. Ramanujaswami, M. A. (No. 17 ). (3) Handbook to the study of Rgveda Parts I and II by P Peterson, Second edition (Nos. 41 and 43.)
(4) Naiskarmyasiddhi Second edition, by Prof. Hiriyanna, M. A., (No. 38)
(5) Nyayakosa by Vamanacharya Jhalkikar, Second edition, revised and enlarged, (No. 49.)
(6) Rajatarangini of Kalhana, Parts I, II, and III, by P. Peterson and Pandit Durgaprasad, Second edition, (Nos. 45, 51 and 54).
(iii) Works in Preparation.
(1) Mṛcchakatika, Vol. II, Notes, etc., by Sardar K. C Mehendale, B. A.
(2) Nirukta, Vol. II, by R. G.
hadkamkar, M. A.
(3) Prakriyakaumudi of Ramacandra, by Rao Bahadur K. P. Trivedi, B. A.
(4) Vyavahāramayukha of Nilakantha, by Professor P.
Kane, M. A., LL. M.