Forms of Lingas :- Valmikanātha Linga, Jyotirlinga, Prthvi Linga, Ap Linga, Tējā Linga, Vāyu Linga, Ākaša Linga, Dēva Linga, Brahma Linga, and Mahariși Linga. 1
Vişnu Mārtis :- Matsya Dēva, Kūrma Dēva. Varāha Dēva, Narasimha Děva, Vāmana Rūpa. Parasurama Rūpa, Śri Rāma Rūpa, Balabhadraržīma Rūra, Vasudeva, Kalki dēva. Kēšava, Nārāyaṇa, Madhava, Govinda, Laksmīkānta, Madhusūdana, Tatvopadēša Rūpa, Sridhara. Hrşikēsa and Padmanībha.
For the details about the forms, a number of texts namely Mānasāra, Mūrti Dhyāna, Vişnu Purāņa, Sātvata Samhita Marichi Patala, and generally Śaiva Āgamās like Karana, Kāmika etc., and Vaisnava Āgamas, Pāñcarātra and Vaikhānasa are mentioned.
The next chapter deals with female deities. First some of the forms of Gowrī to be placed in temples are mentioned. (1) namely, the form in penance calle i Aparņa (2) Gowri with Paramasiva (3) the form taken for destroying Asuras and protecting Bhaktūs (4) Kõli. Karüli and Bhairavi with various weapons and (5) the local deity. The form of Durga is to be placed at the entrance to the city or at the centre of the city. The village deity is to be installed outside the village. Forms of Lakşmi like Padma, Padma Hasta, the consort of Murahari. Nārāyani, Kalyāņi, Ksemankari Mūdhava Mahişi etc. are to be placed either separately or along with Sri Nārāyana. All these deities are to be installed with the Yantra or mystic figure and symbols inscribed in gold or copper plate underneath the deity. Saraswati either separately or surrounded by Dēva and Gandharva attendants is be installed in proper places.
1. Of these Lingas we have No. 1 in Tiruvarur, Tanjore Dt. No. 2 in a number of places like Kedara, Mallikarjuna, No. 3 in Kancheepuram, No. 4 in Tiruvanaikoil, No. 5 in Tiruvannamalai, No. 6 in Kalahasti, No. 7 in Chidambaram, No. 8 in very many places whore Indra and other Devas have established the Linga, No.y in Shiyali in Tanjore Dt , No. 10 in various places where Maharishis like Agastya and Parasara have established Lingas.