are called Kanthala in Sanskrit and Sumai Tangi ( FOLD
T1 ) in Tamil. In places where resting houses are built or armed guards are placed, the road may be twice as wide. Mile-stones and stones in which the place-names are inscribed shall be planted for the information of strangers. At either end of bridges, the sides of the road shall be built up with granite steps on either side for affording strength to the bridge and avoid erosion of the soil. Where the sides are steep, the construction shall have parapet walls or strong chains; or pillared halls shall be constructed on either side. In convenient places gardens with wells and resting houses with armed guards shall also be provided in long roads.
Rest houses and armed out-posts shall generally be built for every krāsa. They are imperative in roads in forest areas. The rest house may be a pillared hall with walled enclosures, platforms for taking rest and cooking rooms. These rest-houses shall be beautified by paintings of scenes from the Epics and Purāņas. The frontage shall be ornamented by turrets. By the way it has to be observed that no mansion or other construction for public use is mentioned in our Shilpa Săstras without ornamentation by turrets, kalasas and töranas and arches. By the side of the rest house shall be planted fruit-bearing and other trees and head.load rests. Ponds and wells, cart stands and sheds for bulls, horses and elephants with supply of provisions shall be arranged.
Special mansions with artistic storeys are next dealt with. They are called Viséșa Bhaumas and they are recommended as a necessary auspicious ornament of the metropolies. They are of five types. The storeys of each type having a particular shape. The five types are named Mērubhavana, Mandara Bhavana. Kailăsa Bhavana, Trivistapa Bhavana and Vana Bhavana. The characteristic feature of these Bhavanas is a central storey with Sălas or halls on the four main quarters and narrow storeys on the