They may also be built over stand-like rests. Steps shall be provided for reaching several heights. The bottom portion may be strengthened by steel plating. Suitable niches and stands for lamps shall be provided. In houses, the situation for granary is at the end of the second compartment. Other portions are mentioned for temples, palaces etc. Forms of Kubēra, of Kannadhenu or of Dhanya Lakşmi may be placed at the front part.
Cou-sheds :- Cows ensure health and happiness for men, and cow's milk, curds and ghee are necessary offer. ings of Devas and Pitrs. The stalls are built all round with an open space in the centre and the ground is paved with an cven but rough surface of stone, brick and mortar. In the fore.part of tlie building, stones are erected for the cows to rub themselves. The frontage of the building is ornamented as elaborately as a mansion. The stalls are covered with rooling of tiles or terraced. The form of Go-mäta is set up at the entrance.
Entrances to the capitals and cities are next dealt with. The gateway shall be very wide for the passage of traffic of horses, elephants, chariots and foot passengers. It shall be strongly built with arches and ornamented by torana and towers of three or five flats. The towers shall be visible from a long distance to mark the location of the city. By the side of the ontrance shall be built the tower for taking a comprehensive view of the city or capital or a high pillos may be installed or a number of tall trees may be planted. Pillar-like construction of brickwork may be built or a large bell may be put up in the tower for telling the hours of the day. These are said to make for the happiness of the people. Armed guards shall be placed at the entrance. Near the entrance shall be arranged play.grounds, grounds for shandies to continue for months, stores of metal, tini bor, stones and bamboos. Apart from the city, at a distance, shall be assigned the house of the executioner and the watch