intelligence is for storeyed buldings. Other Dwäras liko Padma and other suitable symbols are to be made for the granary, for dressing rooms, for bathing rooms, for dance theatres and concert halls. The doorway shall generally be 3 cubits in width and of convenient height. The door Crame of hard wood shall be profusely ornamented with wood work of varied designs. They may be plated with silver or gold,
The next chapter deals with Tõrana 1 or ornamenta. tion of gateways arches and panels. They are of three types. One is intended for temples, the second is intended for palaces and the third for residences of people in general. The orna. mentation has to be carried out in wood, bricks, in soft mortar (Sudha) or in granite. Special chisel with mouths of different shapes for carving are mentioned in the text. They are named · Vüratanka'for making line carvings. Bhedatanka' for work at depressions and sides,' Randhrațanka' for boring holes. Pattatanka for chiselling varied shapes like parrots, swans etc, and Latūtanka for chiselling creeper-like designs, The designs shall first be marked out in shape, length, breadth and depth and then the work is to begin. The designs may be leaves of varied types like mango, forms of birds, creepers, designs made up of lines, forms of Deities like Lakşmi, and miniatures of towers and other consiructions.
A L'HISTIANA (the bas3)
The next chapter deals with the base or the first part of the building over the surface. It is called Adhisthana. It serves a number of purposes. It raises the level of the building. It serves to protect the building. It adds
1. The word Torana has two distinct meanings. One is the gateway of a fort. The other is the ornamentation of gatoways, arohes, panels, doorways etc. In this chapter the word is used in the latter sense