be ventilation and view from inside but no visibility from outside. The designs for such windows are detailed under 9 heads. Padmapatra (Lotus petal), Ga ja Nētra (elephant's eye), Chatā (the lion's mane). Dhēnu Päda (the cow's hoof) Mrgi Nētra (the antilope's eye) Pārūvatam (the dove) Suka Näsa (the parrot's beak), Bahurandhra (thousand holed) Turagāsya (the horse's mouth).
The arsenal is next dealth with. The site of the arsenal shall be either in the centre of the palace or near the courts of justice. In this chapter the various weapons are listed. The Risis who have taught their uses and the use of mystic weapons, and mystic syllables are also mentioned and the king is advised to visit the arsenal everyday, have a darsan of the weapons, contemplate the presiding deities and the Maharişis who bave taught their use and also worship them with usual offerings.
Next is described the construction of Libraries. They shall consist of number of enclosures with a central platform for Vēdic works, and there shall be a seat for the preceptor. The library may have a number of storeys and a reading hall shall be attached to the library.
Next is dealt with the banqueting hall. It shall consist of a central hall with additional halls on all sides. Seats shall be provided for guests of all sorts facing eastward for students, northward for the worship of Dēvas and Pitss and eastward again for women.
Bed-rooms are next dealt with. They shall be built in the front portion of palaces, in the middle portion of halls and near the platforms on either side. The surroundings shall be such that it may be cool in summer and warm in winter. The dimension may be 2 Rāja dandas or more and may be of any shape. There shall be one or two windows. It shall have a canopy and an adjoining room. The cot shall