bazaar streets and merchants' guilds. Men of all professions live there including pilots, sailors and boatmen.
Prastaranagara is the fifth variety. It is planned like the prastara grama described already. The special features of this city are a strong fort with inner and outer gates and an extent of 500 Dandas in length and breadth. The palace is in the centre and the temple in the West. Streets 100 in number have double rows of houses except the last one, besides subsidiary streets and lanes. There are bazaar streets and court houses and it has a mixed population of which brahmins form a small minority.
In the sixth variety called Swastika, the site is circular in shape and is situated on the banks of a river, the foot of a hill or the sea-coast. It is fortified with a rampart and a mote. The centre is left open being dedicated to Vastu Natha or it is occupied by the palace or the courts. The main streets start from the centre towards the eight points of the compass. The breadth of the streets and the houses are naturally bigger and bigger at the further ends. 1 here are also streets from East to West and South to North. The length of the streets is from 300 to 400 Rajadanḍas. The temple is built in the Northern part and the palace may be built in the South-Eastern corner; and in the North-Eastern corner may be built either the palace or the state officers' quarters. The houses of men of various vocations are to be built in the ten plots from Akāśa to Meena. The quarters of potters, barbers, washermen etc., are situated on the border of the rampart. The width of the streets varies as follows. The circular streets are 2 Rājadandas in width i. e. 24 feet. Those ending at the corners 3 Rajadandas; East to West and North to South Streets, 4 Rajadanḍas.
The seventh type is Caturmukha Nagara. The size of this type is half or one-fourth that of Sarvatōbadra type.
1. New Delhi is built of this pattern with Connaught Circle at the centre.