6. Concise Oxford Dictionary-Oxford, 1961. * * *, gerard, want, ** ATTE
1980 to & **frater *TR-*. *- ford af, are opinie, forrett. 8. English 1. Comperatne Religion--A. C. Bonbuet, Petican Series,
19532. Eastem Religion and Western Thought-Dr. S. S. Radh.
akrashan. 3. Mysticism in Bhagwadgita--Mahendran atha Sarkar. Cl
lcutta, 1944. 4. Mysticism Theory and Art---Radhakamal Mukurji, 5. Studies in Vedanta--V. j. Kirtikar, Bombay. 6. Mysticism in Maharashtra---Prof. Ranade, 7. Mysticism in Religion--Dr, W. R. Inge, Newyark., 8. Myatical Phenomena--M. G. R. Alliert Forges, Lond
on, 1926, 9. The Teachings of the ----Walter T. Stace, Newyark, 1960
Mystices. 10. The Varieties of Religious--Wiliam James, Longmans,
Experience : A Study in 1929.
Human Nature Il Mysticism in Newyark--Ku, Under Hill, 12. Practical Mysticism--Ku. Under Hill. 13. Mysticism-Ku. Under Hill. 14. Mysticism Dictionaries-Frank Gaynor. 15. New Haven--W. E. Hocking. 26. Mysticism and Logic--Page.