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(Darśana).1 1 Spirit is parmanence. Matter is impermanence. Spirit is life. Matter is non-life. It also believes in the laws of motion (Gati), emergence (Gunasthana) and cycles. a Spirit acts as negation, repulsion and anti-matter and causes the real change in positiveness, attraction and matter. The correct persepective to understand the true nature of these laws would be to rightly understand the characteristics of spirit and matter. Spirit is consciousness: knowledge and perception; the substance permanent with inherent movement. Spirit in motion is its inner-effortiveness. It changes when it itself or its other partner, the matter, increases or decreases, dominates or subordinates. Matter exists in space and form. Its inherent characteristics are division, disruption and disintegration. The materialistic monists, have correctly analysed the nature of inanimate matter and its highest development, the mind. But they have confused with the concepts of life, motion and emergence and hence have arrived at untenable conclusions. They have misinterpreted the conclusions of science. The socalled dialectical materialists have proved themselves to be the mechanistic materialists basing their dogma on the perverted materialistic interpretations of the conclusions of science. Materialistic monism has failed to provide hope for the truth, the reality and the mankind.
The attitude of right inner-effortiveness of spirit in relationship with movement of matter is the correct and scientific ideological attitude. I call it Šramanism. The Šramanic ideology should provide the formation of the laws of our activitiespolitical, social and economic. The science of Šramanology should scientifically formulate them. They have to be consciously accepted and scientifically implemented by humanity. The only hope of humanity is Scientific Šramaņism.
I propose the scientists and the dualist philosophers to forge an indissoluble partnership with a Sankalpa to redis1. Acharya Sri Tulsi ; op. cit; Pages 33, 39
2. Acharya Sri Tulsi ; op. cit; Pages 5, 133, 63:
"Living beings undergo eternal cycles due to Karmic existences."