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know munus and K-Mesons. We also know six different kinds of hyperons, particles heavier than neucions. Furthermore, to each particle there exists antiparticle, having electric and magnetic properties. The current list iocludes 30 in all. The existence of 30 elementary particles as the substratum of all matter is among the greatest enigma of physics. Will we ever reduce their complexity to an ultimate pattern, is a living challenge to physicists, Matter contains in itself also Anti-Matter. Matter and Anti-Matter also self-andibilate. 1 This is the greatest discovery of our age.
Science has travelled through the whole long dark night and is now standing at the door of the dawn, The light of the rising sun is in sight. Let us only accept the hypothesis of the distinct and independent existence of the substance of negation. repulsion and anti-matter as contradictory to the substance of positiveness, attraction and matter, Science and Philosophy both lead to the acceptance of the principle of dualism. I, therefore, hold, though on circumstantial evidence yet provided by science, that Anti-Matter has to be identified with spirit, soul or Atmā.
These conclusions of science seem to have stårtling sinilarities with the dualistic Jaina Philosophy. Jaina Philosophy believes in the independent existence of the two substances spirit (Jiva) or consciousness and Matter (A-jiva) or unconsciousness 3 eternally united. Consciousness (upayoga) is formate (Sakara) and in-formiate (Anakāra). Formate consciousness knows specific qualities of objects in desonance to common ones and hence is called knowledge (Jñana). 10formate consciousness knows common qualities of objects in desonance to specific ones and hence is called Perception 1. O.R. Frisch ; The Elementary Particles ; Discovery,
December 1961 Issue ; Pages 518-524. “Frisch has also given in this important research paper figure I depicting the anihilation of matter and anti
matter." 2. Acharya Sri Tulsi ; Jaioa Siddhanta Dipika ; 2002 S.Y. ;
Page 33. 3. Acharya Sri Tulsi ; op. cit ; Page 61