[ Ramchandra Jain, Advocate ]
The problem of Sprit and Matter is eternal. It was a real. problem when the mankind based its activities on its innereffortiveness. This state of human society came to complete abnegation by the third century B.C. Then an era of intellectual quibbling set in. Brain, rather than soul, exercised itself the most. Thinking became unreal, imaginary and idealistic. Life divorced of reality became the ideal of intellectual pursuits. The age of science opened for us new dimensions of knowledge, Life rooted in earth began to attract the new seers. Science gave us phenomenal knowledge of external reality. Outer-effortiveness became the foundation of the human activities in our present age of science,
The basic problem of Sprit and Matter is : Whether these are two indepeodent substances or one projected out of the other. The one view is that spirit alone exists; Matter is only the external manifestation of spirit. Sankara is the best example of this spiritual monism. The different religions of the world ; the Brahmanism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam emphasise one or the other aspect of this intellectual brainry but very far from approaching Sankara's Advaita. Sankara is the highest stage of brainy achievement. The other view is that Matter alone exists ; Spirit is only the highest stage of Matter ; its most beautiful projection. Marx is the father of this Materialistic Monism. Sankara's view stands annihilated because of its total unrelation to reality ; internal or external; by the achievements of the age itself; the reality of irrefutable existence of Matter and its dialectical transformations. The Marxist ideology poses to base itself on the reality of scientific truths ; hence this needs analysis and right understanding.
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