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has their Jain origin, Mahimadharma, a minor sect of Orissa and Nathdharma a sub-branch of Hinduism seem to be evolved form of Jainism. These evidences show that Jainisma had casted considerable iofluence upon the culture of Orissa.
Development of Jainism in recent past :
In the last few decades Jainism has undergone some development. Jain shrines which were receiving scanty attention previously have now become attractive and people irrespective of cast and creed are frequenting these places. Researches on the history of Jainism in Orissa has undergone rapid development during these years, Jains residing in Orissa have formed an Association in a organised way to bring together the persons interested in Jainism and Jaioalogy.
The Present Scene :
Jaina movement in Orissa at present is not so active like that of West Bengal, Bihar and U.P. as one would expect. Nor a single Jaio Muni comes here to like here in Chaturmas to propagate Jainism. The Terapanthi Swetambar Mahasabha should take proper initiative to sponser movements in Orissa and thereby upon the cause of Jainism.
Lastly let me repeat that the sick world of to-day must focus its attention on this religion and avidly crave its doctrine of Atimsa to avoid an impending neuclear holdcaust and the present exponders of Jainism must take pain to interpret Jainism in its correct perspective.