by it. At present, numerous postulates and hypotheses are : prevelent in modern science, on the basis of which the materialist scientists try to show that colour is an objective : attribute whereas the idealist scientists exercise their intellectual power in proving it as a subjective quality. Such sorts of contentions seem not only to be speculative and conjectural but also contradictory to direct experience.
The Jain philosophers comprehended the essence of the ultimate unit (the paramanu) of matter through the perfect transcendental perception and on the basis of this, they have made a thorough elucidation of the atomic theory. Their assertion that the quartet of colour exists objectively in matter is based on their direct perception of the ultimate reality. In fact, the Jain Philosophy asserts that the ultimate unit of matter cannot be known through any kind of physical equipment.
11. Conclusions :
We can conclude the above discussion in the following six points :
1. Eddington has accepted the existence of consciousness as the objective reality ; Jain Metaphysics too agree with it by enumerating soul under the five ultimate realities of the universe,
2. Eddington considers it impossible for the laws of Physics to kuow the ultimate objective reality i.e. consciousness. The Jain Philosophy also believes that soul being a DOD-physical reality cannot be perceived through sensory or external physical equipments. It can only be perceived through perfect transcendental perception.
3. Eddington's assertion that consciousness is a main source of all psychic, and psyhological phenomena such as perception, memory, thinking, emotion is also conceded by Jain Philosophy.
4. Though Eddington designates bis pbilosophy as "the philosophy of physical science", it seems that his biased