M. Dy Be was not only an bighly learned thinker but was also a great saint, whose saored foot, celestial beinga worsbipped with great devotion 3 His Sarvartha Bidcbi is an elaborato commentary on the Tatbvartb& Sutra of Umarwami. His Opasakadara iw en band.book of ethion for the Jain laity.'
AKALANKA is clashed among the Nayyayiker or great logicians. He said to bave oballenged the Buddhists at the court of kioge Hastimalla (Himasitala) of Kanchi, saying that the defsatod party should be ground in oil mille 6 The Buddbiste wero driven to Caylone owing to the viotory of the Jain teacher? This viotorious lugio of Akaladka made bio namo prover. bial as a Buttakaladka in logio. His most famous work is thu Tatvarthavartika Vyakhyalaskara.
JINASENA who by bis propagating increased the power of the Jain sect, was a celebrated Jaia autbor. He was the king of posts. He commenced Adipuran whiob according to Bhandarkar is an enos clopaedio work in which there are instances of all matters and figures.' Ho also wrote Mabapuran wbiob is a very nice historical work. He has also written Parsvabhyudaya, which is one of the curiosities of Sanskrit literature. It is at once the produot and mirror of the literary taste of the age. Universal judgement assigns the first place among Indian poets to KALIDASA,but Jinasena claims to be considered 1-3. C. 8. Mallinathan : Rarvartha Siddhi, Introd. P. IX. 4. Prof. Dr. Hira Lal, op. cit. P. XX. 6. Peterson, op cit, ė. 19, 6.7. An inscription at Bravanbolgola also allades to thio victory, which gained solid foot ng and patronage of Pallavau Kings.
-Prof. Moti Lal: Digamber Jain (Surat) Vol. IX P. 71. 8. Of. Bhandarkar, The Bombay Gazetar I i P. 408-407. 9. Bhandarkar, Roport on S&M88. 1883-84. P. 120 -122.
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