rigbtly considered to mark en epoch not only in Digam. bar & Svetambara bistory but also in tbe #bole Sanskrit Literature." Bis well known work is the Ratankarandka Sravebeobar, wbich means Jewel Casket of laymen's Condnot. His words are admitted as pious and powerful as those of Lord Mahavira. He also wrote several other bricks liko (1) Aptamimansa (2) Jipa Stuti-Sataka and (3) Svayambhu Sutra etc.
PUJY APADA is also called Devanandi. He was a very eminent act olar of Pbilosophy, Logio, Medicine; and Literature, Pujyapada (one whose feet are adorable) appears to have been a mere title, which he acquired because forest deities worsbipped his feet. He is also called Jinendra Buddhi' op acoount of bis great learning. His most famous works 'Jipendra.Vyakarna or Grammar of Jinendra - buddbi is well known. 'Pancavasotka,' the best commentary on Jinendra is also supposed to be the work of Pujyapada. Panini Sabdavatara is another Grammatical works traditionally cosidered to be a commentary on Panini grammar by Pojyapude. Vopadeva 00u. ots it among the 8 autborites on the Sanskrit grammar He also wrote Kalyanakarta a treatise on medicine; long continued to be an authority on the subject. The trost. ment it prescribed is entirely. vegetarian and non-alooban olio Pajyapada was e triple doctor (Ph. D., D. Litt., 1. Bombay Gazette I Ü P.406, २ जीव सिद्धि-विधायीह कृत-युक्त्यनुशासनं । वचः समन्तभद्रस्य बीरस्येव विजृम्भते ॥
- faaha: kainguy i 3.4. Bics (E.P.) op. Oit. p. 110, 27-37, 198 )