Join Monks not for Name
Dr. Herman Jacobi Sole and whole object of Jain Monks is to lead a life dedicated to the betterment of soul and uplift of humanity. They do not become Sadhus for name and fame. -Short Studies on China and India. P. 150.
Moral Tone of Jain Monks
Rev. Prof. Dr. Charles W. Gilkey I have been greatly impressed by the high moral tone and ethical standard of Jain Sadhus & also by their teachings. ---Short Studies on China & India, P. 151.
Miss Millicent Shephard, Chief Organiser Moral & Social Association From one lamp a thousand can be lit from the glowing lamp of Jain Acharya's teaching and examples many holy lives are lit. May their spirit of peace and followship spread through out.
-Short Studies on China and India. P. 151.
Far Far Greater Influence than the Greatest Emperors.
Shri G.D. Dhariwa}]
Jain monks have been very learned scholars & not merely blind followers of Jain Law. They got high degree of sacrifies and selflessness and their influence on the public has been far far grearter than that of the greatest Emperors. It is no wonder that Jainism has influenced the Indian civilization to a greater degree than Buddhism. J. H. M. (Feb. 1924) P. 254