joined them. The Prophet said, "Do you wonder at the affection of the mother towards her young? I swear by Him who sent me, verily God is more loving to His creatures. Return them to the place from which ye took them and let their mother be with them'."
As a matter of fact any kind of flesh-eating is not obligatory on the Muslim. The prophet often insisted upon the rights of dumb animals, Said He, "Do you love your Creator! Then love your fellow creatures first. verily there are rewards for it He who keeps any one from eating flesh will be saved from the fire of hell"".
It is a great pity that on account of certain historical reasons Istan in India passes as a synonym for violence Muslim Conquerors are described as having overrun countries with the Koran in the one hand and the sword in the other, whereas we read in Koran, "There is no compulsion in religion"." The Prophet did not believe that merely making the Muslims profession of faith once in a lifetime could make a 'mumin' (faithful) to entitle to Salvation. He said, "He is not a 'MUMIN' who Committeth adultery or who stealth or who drinketh liquor or who plundereth or who embezzleth; beware, beware Kindness (Ahinsa) is a mark of faith and who ever hath not Kindness (Ahinsa) hath no faith.”
It is clear from these authentic and authoritative quotations that Islam like other faiths of the Aryan stook dors believe in Ahinsa with all its underlying significance and has never preached violence, force or coercion as some ill-informed enemies of Islam suppose it to do,
1-3. "Voice of Ahinsa" Aliganj (India), Vol I P. 20-23. 4. Amma, daughter of Yarid.
5 Holy Koran, Sura II, Ayat 257.
६ 'हजरत मोहम्मद साहब का अहिंसा से प्रेम' इसी प्रन्थ का पृ० ६४ o 'geata ¤ aféal' Låt qen 61 æer 3 !
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