Why | Accepted Jainism?
Mr. Matthew McKay Jains offer their moseage to all. In Jainism you will aot be requested to snoept any sta. toment with bebind faith. From my personal experience, I can say that all who will sooopt ito toacbings and put them ipto practice will enter . world of opdreamed delight. .
Jaipiem teaches that soul is immortal and in ite pare nature is full of absolute knowledge and infinite bliss. It is only when soal is drawn low by the body and the senses that it is held in bondage with karmas. To meditate for only a few miautes daily od the pure nature of the soul is path to Liberation and Salvation. These aro the main reasons why I accepted wonderful Jaipiam.
-Why I beoame Jain ! (World Jain Mission.)
Why I Became A Jain ?
Mr. Louis D. Sainter.
I am a Join because Jainism presents consistent solution of the problems of bappy life.
The question who am I ! What am I ! For wbat reaBODA do I exist ! All are angworod in the most irrefutablo manner, It gives perfect bealth & peace of mind. There is a metaph. ysical and scientifio explainations of all apparent injustices As koown to the West, heroe I kave accepted the Jainism.
-Vir (15.5.1926) P. 3.