GOSPEL OF AHINSA Prof. Tan Yunshan of China
The Gospel of Ahipsa. was first deoply and systematically expounded, properly and speci. ally preached by the Jain Tirthapkaras more prominent. ly by the last 24tb Tirt bankare Mabavirs Varddbamana. Then again by Lord Buddba apd at last it was acted in thoughts, words and deeds & symbolized
by Mabatma Gandhi, _Mahavira Commemoration Vol. I.
Example for Everyone Mr. Herbert Warren of England.
* Mebavira lived a life of absolute truthfulnese, & life of perfect bodesty, a life of complete chastity and a life which gives protection to all living beings. He lived without possessing any property at all, not even clothing. He enjoyed Om. piscience, W& perfectly blissful, knew himself to be immortal and his life is an example for everyone who wishes to get away from pain.
-Pir. (18,5.26) P. 2.
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